Gatorade: Is it really getting the job done?

A huge number of people drink Gatorade, but are not aware if it’s actually beneficial for their body or even if it helps them perform better during workouts. So, let’s delve into what’s really behind this drink and its relationship with the human body. Continue reading Gatorade: Is it really getting the job done?

Menace or Miracle: The dawn of quantum computing

You trust the encryption systems that your bank uses to secure your accounts and the government uses to store your personal information, right? These encryption systems are perfectly good at guarding against almost all attacks by modern computers, but there’s a new type of computer on the rise: the quantum computer. Not only can quantum computers easily break current encryptions but they also have the potential to revolutionize the way computers process information and the way scientists model natural phenomena. Continue reading Menace or Miracle: The dawn of quantum computing

Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology

Although the real inventor of bitcoin is unknown, it is believed to be the brainchild of a person known by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Blockchain technology is, to put it in short, a shared network which consists of data and information used by users of cryptocurrency: a digital asset or currency that uses cryptography for security. Continue reading Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology

Colored Numbers, Tasted Sounds: The World of Synesthetes

For example, to me, the word “LEFT” is an exploration of the color green: L has a delicate pale spring color, while E looks like a summer field, F is the color of young grass, and T looks like a dark forest. My “4” and “7” are a tasty orange and pale peach. And my favorite number is 256 because it looks so vibrant: bright red, royal blue, and violet-purple. Continue reading Colored Numbers, Tasted Sounds: The World of Synesthetes