Colored Numbers, Tasted Sounds: The World of Synesthetes

For example, to me, the word “LEFT” is an exploration of the color green: L has a delicate pale spring color, while E looks like a summer field, F is the color of young grass, and T looks like a dark forest. My “4” and “7” are a tasty orange and pale peach. And my favorite number is 256 because it looks so vibrant: bright red, royal blue, and violet-purple. Continue reading Colored Numbers, Tasted Sounds: The World of Synesthetes

Music and the Mind: Does Playing Music Actually Make You Smarter?

Does playing music actually increase your IQ by seven points? Maybe your parents were right when they forced you into piano lessons as a child. Read this article to determine whether you owe your parents a big thank you or a big apology for all the whining you did at the piano bench and quitting after three lessons. Continue reading Music and the Mind: Does Playing Music Actually Make You Smarter?